Before and after we will be going to the pub, and we are tying to sort out some 'surprises' at the moment. generally just socialising with fellow sim nutters!
last years event was really enjoyable, all the way from 9am to 3am the next day (thanks to shifty) and i have no doubt that this year will be as good if not better, since we have the capacity for almost 50 racers, and we already have about 7 or 8 spectators and camera men.
it was especially good to meet GP4Flo, 3J, Victor and Da Hoe since they are so commited they decided to travel a couple of thousand miles!
it was spooky, just about 1 sec before that happened i was thinking 'if i tried that i would spin' because i spun before a race trying to warm the tyres on my kart once and its an F1 car!
on a very good day, the last corner can be SO close to flat out, that its just a barely noticable lift. on the day that i went in june 2004, the 1st 2 corners were flat out.
although i think they have 115cc motors in club 100 now?
when i went my best was a 44.09, next best was 44.93 and barnaby pittingale (who u probably know) did a 44.05 while doin some kart testing. i worked for quite a few club 100 meetings and ive never seen such times since.
hopefully! they feel pretty fast to start but u will easily be able to drive them, alot of people who drive them have never driven anything before and they are slow but ok, but with the lfs lot, most hadnt done karting before but everyone was wicked last year!
about the physical side, they weigh alot but theres not alot of grip to get you tired, so a 1 hour stint is pretty easy, but at GP it is pretty tough. no-one will get blisters this year.
sorry about the spam thread, i just thought someone needed to point out the blatanly obvious. and if anyone didnt know it was back up, they could read the thread and then they would know. work that one out.
Smax, u would not be charged at the gate, and it would be great to have a DVD recorded. do u do this sort of thing for a living? We will need more than 1 camera, which is where fordie comes in, and it would be very nice to have 3.
Smax, if u arrive a bit early i can get u together with the circuit owner and discuss the best/safest places to film. it would be good to have a wide variety of shots. Ill have a word with Dan (the guy in charge) about onboard cameras. as u might know we had one last year but we put the computer in the wrong place so we didnt get good footage. and it had no sound.
NOTE TO WHOEVER WANTS TO CONFIRM If you PM tristan he can send you his address and contact details so you can send the £20 deposit to him. Post in this thread too
pls be reminded that this isnt a discussion thread. last years 'official no discussion' thread got to around 14 pages i think